Saturday, March 15, 2014

What I've Learned

Ah, here we are once again. The end of the quarter, a time
during which frantic blogging occurs. I promise, once keeping this blog is no
longer a requirement, I will want to blog all the time. That’s usually how
things go. Well, at least this quarter, I have learned a whole lot more than
any other time in my life, I think. Not just school stuff, although that has
occurred too. That tends to happen when you take eight classes.

But no, I’ve also learned other things, more important
things. About life and love and friendship and trust and forgiveness. About how
to care about someone besides myself. About how to appreciate things, how to
enjoy the little moments in life that make it worth living instead of focusing
on making everything perfect, because you can’t ever reach perfection, not
really. How to live in the moment, because sometimes you sense that this is a
time you are going to look back on and remember fondly. Like that night with
your friends when everything is wonderful and your problems are on hold and you
just want to hold a picture of it in your head and your heart forever. And so, I
will blog about some of these things, the seemingly meaningless but somewhat
life-shaping adventures of me, the wandering heart.

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