Saturday, March 15, 2014

Stories of our Lives

"We accept the love we think we deserve."
Why is this? Why do we settle? Why do we put up with something less than what we dreamed for ourselves?
We fill our childhoods with dreams about the future, hopes and wishes about what life will be like and all the wonderful things we will do and see and experience. And then we grow old, and we listen to society and what they tell us we should expect out of life, and we settle for that instead. We forget the days when we wanted to be a doctor and a lawyer and an astronaut, all at once. We grow up and marry the first person that offers, and yeah, maybe we do love them, but we forgot the days we dreamed of a prince sweeping us off our feet, or carrying the beautiful princess away in our horse-drawn carriage. Love and romance becomes something fabricated, sold to us by Nicholas Sparks books and jewelry store commercials. And we find ourselves old and tired and sad because we didn't grab hold of our dreams when we had the chance. We thought we could just sit back and let it happen like in the stories, but no, you have to reach out and make it happen. You hold the pen. You write your own story. So write one that you'd be proud to let people read.

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