Saturday, March 15, 2014

Youth and Government II

Even though I probably won’t post this for a while, I want to write about Youth and Government. I just got back from the most awesome three days of the year so far. I got to spend time with my friends and make great memories. I had a lot more fun at the conference than I did my freshman year (I couldn’t go my sophomore year). I was more confident and outgoing and talkative-I felt like I had an outlet for my thoughts and opinions. Even though I didn’t say much in chambers, I did say more than I said my freshman year. I think part of it is the clothes. I felt really awkward my freshman year because I had absolutely no idea what to wear. This year I looked stylin’ and it may be superficial to say that clothes increase your confidence but they do. Also, I knew a lot more people from school that went as well-more of my friends attended the conference than not! And I met so many great new people. It really is an opportunity to get to talk to people I otherwise wouldn’t meet. We live in a sheltered little bubble, with most of our friends being from church or private Christian school, but at YAG, people have all sorts of political and religious views and it’s interesting to hear. Along with the bill debates were some awesome parties in the evenings and I had fun dancing and laughing with my friends. I really hope I can go next year.

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