Saturday, March 15, 2014

Some of My Favorite Quotes From Don Miller's Blue Like Jazz

“Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the way.”

“I think the things we want most in life, the things we think will set us free, are not the things we need…the things we want most in life are the things that will kill us.”

“There is something beautiful about a billion stars held steady by a God who knows what He is doing. They hang there, the stars, like notes on a page of music, free-form verse, silent mysteries swirling in the blue like jazz. And as I lay there, it occurred to me that God is up there somewhere. Of course, I had always known He was, but this time I felt it, I realized it, the way a person realizes they are hungry or thirsty. The knowledge of God seeped out of my brain and into my heart. I imagined Him looking down on this earth, half angry because His beloved mankind had cheated on Him, had committed adultery, and yet hopelessly in love with her, drunk in love for her.”

"I know a little of why there is blood in my body, pumping life into my limbs and thought into my brain. I am wanted by God. He is wanting to preserve me, to guide me through the darkness of the shadow of death, up into the highlands of His presence and afterlife. I understand that I am temporary, in this shell of a thing on this dirt of an earth. I am being tempted by Satan, but I am preserved to tell those who do not know about our Savior and Redeemer… Mankind must be rescued…I lay there under the stars and thought of what a great responsibility it is to be human. I am human because God made me. I experience suffering and temptation because mankind chose to follow Satan. God is reaching out to me to rescue me. I am learning to trust Him, learning to live by His precepts that I might be preserved."

"There is something broken in the world and we are supposed to hold our palms against the wound. "

"Inner strength comes from receiving love as much as it comes from giving it. "

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