Saturday, March 15, 2014

Love II

“Is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?”

I would rather love someone and lose them. I would rather know what love is like than go through my whole life wondering. When your heart is broken, you understand love, because you realize that in order to have given someone so much of yourself, to have let them in and trusted them so freely, you had to have cared about them a great deal. Loving others teaches you about yourself. Even if they don’t remain in your life forever, you will always remember what you learned from them. You will always remember the good times you had with them as if they were postcards from your childhood that you found in a box in your attic. And even if heartbreak hurts, you heal. You move on. And you know a little more about yourself, and when you’re ready to love someone again, you will.

I don’t think you ever really stop loving someone. They may leave your life, you may never talk, you might even avoid them, but you will not forget them and how they have changed you.  

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