Thursday, October 10, 2013


The woods were peaceful on this crisp fall day. The leaves crunched under her feet as she ambled slowly along, enjoying the day. She glanced up above her, at the treetops up high and the clear blue sky still higher. A cool breeze whipped around her, causing her to pull her sweater tighter around her body and hunch her shoulders forward. All the same, it was still a great day for a walk through the woods. She loved this time of year, when the woods were most beautiful. They were showing one last burst of color before the trees became bare for the winter.
As she looked around, she saw squirrels frantically running around, gathering nuts for the winter to come. She heard a few birds chirping, and the honk of Canadian geese on their way south for the winter. The air smelled clean and clear.
She decided to climb a tree. She found one with good, sturdy, low-hanging branches and began to climb. She felt the rough bark beneath her soft hands. It stung a little but she continued to climb until she had reached the top branch. She surveyed the world around her. She was on top of the--!
The branch snapped.

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