Thursday, October 10, 2013


In this post I am going to talk about homework. An overwhelming amount of homework is given to students on a regular basis. Students already work at school for 6-8 hours. Then they are expected to go home and do another 3-5 hours of homework in their "free time" at home. Typically, extracurricular activities are not taken into consideration.  Neither is sleep.
We are not just students. We are athletes, we are artists, we are musicians. We have soccer games and guitar practice and youth group to go to. We have chores to do and families and friends to spend time with. As humans we require a certain amount of sleep to function.
Believe it or not, I am not trying to say that homework should be eliminated entirely. A better solution would be for the teachers to work together to come up with an appropriate amount of total homework assignments due. They should also take into account extracurricular activities, so that young people can develop a wide variety of interests and have the freedoms they desire.

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