Thursday, October 10, 2013

Introversion and Extroversion

Different people have many different opinions about the personality traits of outgoing versus inward. Some people think that you are either one or the other, while others find that there are so many gray areas between the two that it is difficult to figure out whether someone is strictly an introvert or an extrovert.
I agree more with this second opinion. You have to take into account someone's circumstances and surroundings. While there are people who are naturally more outgoing than others, everybody has a comfort zone, it's just that some people's comfort zones are larger than others'.
I find in myself that I am naturally introverted. I often prefer to be on my own or with a small group of close friends. But what I have also found out is when I am with these friends, I am very comfortable and outgoing. Extroverted, even. I have also developed the ability to fake being comfortable and confident with myself, even when I'm not, and this helps me be more outgoing when it's necessary. They say "fake it till you make it" and in some cases this actually works. One can fake being confident until they actually do feel the confidence within them.

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