Monday, December 16, 2013

What I Would Say to Her

You are perfectly beautiful in every way, just as you are. It’s okay to sit back after a meal and be full and satisfied. It’s okay to eat cookies or cake or fudge. It’s okay to express yourself and love that person you are, to be free and happy. It’s okay to skip your workouts and forget to renew your gym membership. It’s okay to lie in bed and watch Netflix or Disney movies and rest and be lazy sometimes.

You will take up more space than you used to. This may seem like a terrifying concept, but it will be all right in the end, because as you gain weight you will gain confidence and health and strength. You will get to know your body and learn to embrace instead of treating it as the enemy like you have for so long. You will learn to love yourself.

Twenty years from now, you will look back on these days. And you will hopefully have the life you dreamed of for so long, with that loving family or successful career or whatever it is that you wished for. And you will be glad that you decided to recover, you will decide it was worth it. You will have found the beauty in life, and the beauty in yourself, and I hope you’ll always have that. Remember this, when it’s hard. Remember what can one day be, if only you let it.


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