Monday, December 16, 2013

If They Said That You Were Dying

Somebody asked me once what I would do if I knew I only had a short time to live. Would I change anything about how I’m spending my life? This stopped me in my tracks. Heck yeah I would. And then I realized, I don’t know how long I have left. At any moment my heart could stop, any of ours could. Or I could get into an accident tomorrow morning, or be diagnosed with a cancer I didn’t know I had. What would I do then?

I would drop out of school. if I’m not going to live to be an adult, what’s the point in preparing to be one? I would write constantly, everything in my head. I wouldn’t want anyone to forget me, and maybe my writing would help them remember. I would go to New York City, and California, and Europe, if time permitted. All the places I’ve always wanted to see. I would go to concerts and museums and parties, spend time with friends and family. I wouldn’t wait to do anything. I wouldn’t want to put anything off. I would want to fall in love, and see and experience everything there is in this world, before I left.

And I hope this is how I live my life. I don’t want to wait to live until I’m told I’m dying.

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