Monday, December 16, 2013


It’s one of those nights. You know the ones. Well, maybe you don’t. Unless you’re a writer, or an artist, some sort of creator. One of those nights where you can’t sleep because an idea keeps bouncing around inside the walls of your mind, until you get out of bed and let it out. I don’t even have a specific idea right now, just words. I know I need to write, then I can sleep.

Have you ever had a dream for yourself, something that you built your entire life around? Every choice you made, every action you did, filtered through this dream. Maybe it’s your ambition of becoming a professional athlete, or going to art school. You spend your time going to sports practices or workouts or art classes or gallery shows. You sacrifice sleep and friendships and who knows what else, so that hopefully, one day, you can achieve your dream.

Well, what happens to you when that dream gets cruelly ripped from you with no warning? What happens when you, as an athlete, injure your leg, or as an artist, hurt your fingers? What happens when this dream is no longer a possibility and striving towards it can no longer be a reality? What happens when everything you based your life on is gone and you have nothing?

Well, I guess you have to start from scratch. New possibilities, new dreams, met with fear at first, because what if you lose these too? But you eventually learn that you can’t live your life in fear.

Only the bravest will survive this, and those who do become the strongest.

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