Monday, December 16, 2013

Progressive-Agressive Dinner

Today was the progressive aggressive dinner with my youth group. An annual event around Christmastime, it combines a progressive house-to-house dinner with an aggressive citywide scavenger hunt, and this year’s was pretty memorable. I was on a team with my friends Laura, Christa, and Natalie; and Kayla was our driver. Kayla’s awesome and she’s only two years older than me. Well, what Kayla didn’t tell us was that her car was a two-door and basically the tiniest vehicle ever, with the possible exception of smarts and VW bugs.

Somehow we all squeezed in and began our night of food, fun, and ticking the youth pastor’s crazy scavenger hunt ideas off the list one by one as we finished them. These included a video of us playing leapfrog, which we poorly chose to do in the salad dressing aisle of Target, which got us “asked to leave” by the employees (oops!). We somehow moved on from that embarrassing fiasco and finished the evening with several points. Although we didn’t win, we got closer as friends and all in all it was an evening I won’t forget for a long time.

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