Monday, December 16, 2013


I’m sitting here on the balcony overlooking the parking lot, but I like to look beyond the painted asphalt and rows of cars and see the trees. There’s a beautiful view out here, if you just look. Right now, it’s breathtaking-the trees are vibrantly colored, with leaves of every hue of the rainbow. Sometimes during class I sneak a peek out the window, and I almost can’t tear my eyes away. I know soon winter will come, and the leaves will fall and the tree branches will be bare and ghostly, with only the scattered evergreens providing color. But for now, this is the view. I wish I had my camera so I could take a picture, but my words will have to do. Read this, then close your eyes, try to see it.

The sky is blue, the color you imagined the ocean when you were a child in kindergarten art class with twenty-four crayons at your disposal. The clouds are few, and scattered across the sky off in the distance. For the most part, it’s clear. The trees are, as I described them before, are gorgeous, all golden and red and green. The sunlight is streaming down through the branches, teasing shadows on the ground.

I don’t want to ever forget this.

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