Monday, December 16, 2013


My brother is coming home from Scotland in one week, and I’m really looking forward to seeing him. He’s been spending the semester studying at St. Andrew’s University, so I haven’t seen him in person in four months and I miss him a lot. I didn’t expect to miss him so much. Growing up, we got along really well and were pretty close, but I didn’t really understand what an impact he made on my life until he wasn’t there all the time anymore. It wasn’t until he went off to college that I really understood what he meant to me. Guess it goes to show that you shouldn’t take anything for granted. Thankfully, he’s still around for me to not take for granted for a good long while.

Anyway, I’m really excited to hear all about Europe and see all the pictures. He’s posted some on facebook, but there’s something different about hearing about the stories behind the pictures firsthand. My mom’s probably going to get really emotional because she’s never been apart from her son for this long, but it’s understandable so we’ll all forgive her.

Now I’ve just got to get through this next week of exams!

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