Sunday, June 1, 2014


So in approximately one year I will be heading off to Europe with my friends and some classmates that I tolerate and call acquaintances. It'll be a wonderful time and we will be there for about 10 days. I looked at the itinerary today and I'm really excited. We go to London and Paris and Rome and probably some other places I can't remember. I'm really looking forward to the Eiffel Tower. I am pretty much in love with the Eiffel tower and yes this is an exciting thing. But what I'm really looking forward to is seeing Les Miserables. When I saw that on the schedule I literally started crying out of happiness and running around my house (yes that is a thing that happened) and listening to the various soundtracks and singing in the showers and I'm probably going to cry throughout the entire show whilst fangirling because yes. Les Mis. In Europe. Is a thing. That is going to happen in my life in less than a year.

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