Thursday, April 24, 2014

Things I'm Excited About

I really hope this coming year will bring good things for me. I've been looking forward to it for as long as I can remember, mainly the amazing experiences I'll be having. (And a plus is that I'll be doing it all with one of my best friends, Em!)
First is prom in early May. Even though there were some rough details to work out, it'll still be a lot of fun. Then, once school gets out and exams are finished, there will be a long summer full of sleepovers and movie nights and dance parties. And, of course, since our birthdays are less than a week apart, we'll be turning 17 together and celebrating that.
In July we're going to Florida for a week for this missions trip thing with our school. Then, in August, we're going to Kings Dominion before school starts.
A few weeks after school starts, we'll be going to New York City! I've always wanted to go there for my whole life basically, but whenever I would ask my dad if we could, he'd say, "Just wait till your senior year." I want to stand in Times Square and see a Broadway musical and go to Chinatown; I'm just so excited and I love big cities!
Then there are all the fun senior things all year, and in May (after our senior prom), we'll be finishing the school year with a trip to Europe! I've been looking forward to the Europe trip almost as long as the NYC one. However, I can only go if I do all my physical therapy exercises and get a bit stronger. But health problems will not stop me!
Even though this school year is almost over and my "blog assignments" will be no more, I still hope to update this blog every so often and tell you all about my senior year experiences!

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