Saturday, April 5, 2014


Lately, I've been feeling  more and more inadequate as a friend. Of course, I have a couple of close friends that I can share anything and everything with. But when I think about it, I used to have so many more friends. I told myself we had just grown apart. I told myself we had different interests now, and with off-campus vs. on- campus lunch and the busy-ness of our junior year, we just didn't have time to see each other as much any more. But that's not true. I told myself we'd be going to college in a couple of years, and odds are we wouldn't stay friends after that, but that's also not true. Maybe it would be more effort, but we could keep in touch, see each other on breaks and summers. Plus, we have a few weeks, two whole summers, and our senior year before we have to worry about parting ways. But mostly, I simply became self-absorbed. I thought these friends would always be there, sort of like accessories that I could pick up talking to when I got bored or sad. But that's not true either. I realized a lot of things today, and that I need to be a better friend is just one of them. So, if any of you guys are reading this, I'm sorry. Let me make things right.

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