Saturday, May 31, 2014

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou is no longer with us, and this makes me very sad. Her presence in this world was as a wonderfully influential woman. Her books have changed lives, offered words of hope and courage to all who read them.
Yes, as a black (African-American? What's the politically correct term these days?) woman, her words were  written to her fellow black people. But I think we can all take something away from her words of wisdom that instilled hope into their lives. I think that we all need to understand the racism that still perpetuates our society in order to do anything about it. (And yes, I do believe we need to do something about it.)
Anyway, back to Maya Angelou. Her life is sure to leave behind a legacy that only happens every so often. I would like to think that God allows people who have made a special mark on the world to become stars in the sky. Maya would make a beautiful star.
Remember when Michael Jackson died? And how every radio started playing his songs, stores sold out of his albums because people rushed to buy them, people hung posters in their rooms and schools did concerts and they even made a movie? I hope the same hype happens over Maya, that bookstores need to order more copies because there's such a high demand, that her poems will be searched for on Google, that people will hang posters in their rooms and English classes will teach about her and students will recite her poems at speech meets.
I hope she is honored.
I hope she is remembered.

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